Monday, 1 September 2014

Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking water has soooo many benefits and while dieticians rave on about it and you think yes i will start drinking more water, it's quite easy to forget to do so. So I thought I'd share some health and beauty benefits of drinking water with you in order to try and get you to actually drink that water.

5 Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water

  •  it keeps your skin looking young, (filling in and plumping the skin, reducing wrinkles) hydrated (meaning it's less likely to dry out) and healthy
  •  your hair is made up of 5% water so the amount you drink reflects in the glossiness of your hair 
  •  it removes toxins and waste from the body, thereby cleanses it internally and externally, getting rid of  those under-skin spots
  •  drinking enough combats skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis 
  •  it keeps your skin toned and tight
5 Health Benefits of Drinking Water
  • it can relieve stress - in order to function properly, all of our organs (especially the brain) need water and when they are deprived of it, it can lead to stress
  •  it helps burn fat by boosting metabolism 
  •  it builds healthy muscle as it carries oxygen to the cells that build muscle tissue
  •  it aids healthy joint movement by acting as a lubricant around the cartilage 
  • it helps you lose weight because it deceives your stomach into thinking it's full and therefore you are less likely to snack 

friendly reminder, drink more water!!
alice x


  1. I make sure I drink water as much as possible throughout the day! Definitely feel the benefits xx

    1. good! yeah i always feel i feel less groggy and have more energy!!x

  2. Lovely post! Great list of benefits too! Abi :) MyW0rldMyView

  3. Had no idea that my hair was made up of that much water...5% is quite a bit really! Interesting post....reminds me I need to drink more!

    1. it is isn't it! thank you, that was the aim!

  4. I used to be good at drinking water and these days I am not so good! I have to say though, I know it's supposed to curb your appetite but I have never found this to work in my case! I do notice the difference in my skin when I drink plenty of water though so I must get back to it! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. some days I drink loads and then others I find i've barely drank a glass full! oh no, thats a shame! me too, it seems to glow more and have reduced redness!x

  5. I definitely find that my skin looks a lot better when I've been drinking plenty of water, I notice that I breakout a lot less - always good during teenage years. Good to see that there are many other benefits, too!

  6. I really should drink more water than I do! This post has reminded me why and I'll defiantly start drinking more Xx

  7. I need to start drinking more water but I really don't like tap water (I'm picky haha) so I just make up for it by drinking endless cups of green tea!

    Salt and Chic // UK Fashion Blog

    1. haha, some people have quite soft tap water which isn't as nice! ah well i know green tea has numerous benefits too!!

  8. Great post. I think everyone should be aware of how important water is. I don't drink it as much as I should but I'm trying. Keep up the good work.

