Sunday, 1 February 2015

The First Small Change - Green Tea

Okay so I am over a month late on the whole new years resolutions thing but one thing I wanted to do was to make lots of little changes to my lifestyle every now and again as opposed to setting myself several massive, unobtainable challenges at the beginning of the year.

And of course, like every other person in the world, one of the changes I wanted to make was to my diet, however, I wanted to go about it in a sustainable way. Instead of drastically cutting out every sugary and fatty (and delicious) food in my diet, I wanted to change one thing every two or three weeks.

The first change? Swapping hot chocolate for green tea.

Every day when I get home from college after spending 45 minutes on a freezing cold bus, I would find myself reaching for the hot chocolate. Now I am a massive lover of hot chocolates and I am not about to completely deprive myself of something I feel so passionately about, but I do always find myself feeling sluggish instead of refreshed after indulging in it. Hence the swap. The plan is to turn hot chocolate into a treat, drinking it just once a week as opposed to 5 or 6 times!

The Benefits of Green Tea

  1. It boosts the metabolism and increases fat burning... of course the extent to which this works is dependent on the individuals lifestyle (diet and exercise) but never say no to a helping hand!
  2. It contains an outstanding amount of antioxidants (flavonoids and catechins) which reduce the number of free radicals in the body and therefore can help to reduce the chance of cancer
  3. It contains just the right  amount of caffeine to boosts your energy levels yet maintain them at a stable rate and the caffeine works with a special amino acid to boost brain function too
  4. It lowers the risk of type II diabetes by improving insulin levels and reducing blood sugar levels
  5. It kills certain types of bacteria, giving it the ability to lower the risk of infections
These are just 5 of the reasons as to why green tea is so beneficial to your body and I highly recommend trying it if you are yet to do so. 

I am currently trying out Tetley Green Tea, a trusted and basic brand, though there are so many others to try! Please leave any recommendations down below on the teas you have been loving!

alice x 


  1. Yes to green tea! I find myself drinking it far more in the winter...I'm convinced it helps me get over colds faster. Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

    1. Me too! And definitely makes me feel less full after meals! I have followed your blog!:)
      alice xx

  2. I really want to love green tea but all the times I've tried it in the past I haven't been keen. I think I'm just going to try it again, and if I don't like it then still keep drinking it, I might eventually like it right?

    Taylor Mayed

    1. I was like that to start with, I used to think it tasted really bitter! I started drinking it when I had a cold so I couldn't really taste it to start with and then as my cold wore off, i began to gradually taste it and after sticking it out I actually enjoy the taste!
      alice x

  3. I'm trying to drink more green tea at the moment and other types of "healthy tea" as well but I'm finding it so hard! Would much rather be drinking hot chocolate or coffee haha xx
