Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Spot Saviour

There had been so many mornings where I'd woken up and thought "today will be no make-up day" and then I would look in the mirror and see that my colony of spots on my chin were still yet to make an exit from my face. And said colony of spots had long stayed their welcome. It had be months and my Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream was just not cutting it. "Today" would then turn out to be a 10-layers-of-concealer kind of day.

And then I discovered Sudocrem.

Sudocrem is most commonly used for nappy rash and I had never even thought about applying it to my face until I watched beautycrush's drugstore skincare video. I bought the mini size pot as I was unsure on how good it would be but now I am 100% sure that I will be going back for the bigger tub. 

When I say I that I'd had these spots for months, I mean real, literal, actual months. However after about a week to two weeks of applying Sudocrem daily, my spots had vanished and I could finally get round to having my no make-up day. Hallelujah. 

It is a creamy consistency and it helps with not only getting ridding of spot scars, but also with bringing under-skin spots out quicker and then rapidly getting rid of them. 

Click here for a link to buy the product (which I highly recommend you do!) which to my delight, is ridiculously inexpensive. 

Let me know of any of your spot saviours in the comments!

Alice x


  1. I'm definitely going to have to try this stuff! I use prescribed medication for my skin but recently it hasn't been helping very much with my spots. Thanks for this post! Great blog! ( :


    1. You're welcome, it's definitely worth a try!

  2. I used to use sudocream all the time but then my friend mentioned savlon and found it just as good x
    han // em&han xo

    1. may have to try out savlon on my spots when my sudocrem runs out then!

  3. I used to use Sudocrem on my spots when I was younger, it worked really well I may start using it again!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog
